I’ll do it tomorrow.

This blog isn’t even that old, and I am stumped. I am not a big picture-taker, and realize that in sharing recipes with others it is helpful to see pictures step-by-step. Since I don’t typically keep my phone (i.e. camera) in the kitchen with me, I miss the opportunity to take pictures of the chocolate chocolate chip cookies, meatloaf muffins, sautéed shrimp and quinoa, crockpot chili, ridiculously easy homemade cornbread, etc. If I don’t have pictures, what should I write about?

Well, my little tagline is “stories and recipes that fill my life”. So I gave myself the flexibility to write about whatever was on my mind. In Chapel Hill, we’ve been dealing with some beautiful days…


Beautiful snow we woke up to on Thursday!


and not so beautiful days…

It is trying to melt, but instead we got freezing rain and rain on Sunday.

It is trying to melt, but instead we got freezing rain and rain on Sunday.

Over the last two weeks, the local public schools have only had 1 day of school. I feel so bad for the students and teachers who are now so far behind (and parents who are at a loss for daycare resources). This has had an impact on the productivity of everyone at work. If you’re office is open with only half a staff, lots of meetings get cancelled, communication diminishes, and productivity stalls. I am sure that those who typically work from home have a good system, but for those of us who don’t operate from home most days we haven’t quite figured out the best approach. It’s also hard to feel as productive when you get into the office at 10am or 1pm, as the case was this Friday. Most didn’t go in at all, but I figured I would be better off there then I would be at home – and I was very right.

Outside of work, I feel like this weather has also impacted productivity and moods at home. At first, there’s an elation about a day off – it’s a joyous moment to see the snow on the ground and get notice that the office is closed! This lasts for a good 4 hours. I get to lay in bed a little longer, do yoga in our library/music/yoga/storage room, take my time getting showered and dressed, and make a leisurely breakfast and tea. If I do things slow enough, this can get me to around 11am. But then I sit on the couch and wonder: should I check work email? ok just a bit. now, should I read my favorite blogs? yep. done. what new recipes could I explore? done. And this gets me to maybe 12:30pm. Then it’s thinking about lunch, which is pretty standard, even if we’re home, and then it’s 1:30pm. I could do more work, watch a movie on tv, go for a walk if the weather permits. But honestly, in a house with two adults and no kids to entertain, we are pretty boring. Around 3pm, I go to the fridge and stare at our options. I try to choose something healthy most times, but it’s also a day off so I feel like I should treat myself. And this trip will probably repeat itself again at 4pm and 5pm until I finally make dinner around 6:30pm. You’d think I would have taken the time this week to make more elaborate meals, but I didn’t. Similarly, there are things we could certainly do around the house, but when you don’t have to do something (ex: sweep and vacuum, write a post for your new blog) because you’ve got time to do it “tomorrow” it just doesn’t get done. Instead, I think I am burning a whole in this sofa cushion.

Amongst my trips to and from the kitchen, I have enjoyed the chance to visit with lots of friends, bake two batches of cookies, walk to our local Starbucks for coffee, and simply appreciate the downtime. I’ll get back to a somewhat normal routine later this week and the desire to be a productive member of society will return 🙂

Here’s a picture to say thank you to the Starbucks Baristas who made our adventure in the snow so very tolerable and worth it!


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